Its a Girl!
Finally after been two weeks late I am proud to be able to tell you all, we were blessed with a beautiful Daughter.

She is only 3 days old and is already practising her CQ call as seen in the picture. We were up early again listening around the bands for some rare DX All the best from a very Happy Ham Family. 73

She is only 3 days old and is already practising her CQ call as seen in the picture. We were up early again listening around the bands for some rare DX All the best from a very Happy Ham Family. 73
Much well? Louise-san, after Great & hard Work!! Felicitation for all of your family. nash from Japan.
Once again Thanks for all your kind words.
Simon & Family
From an avid watcher of the video's and blog.
My little boys' three now and loves spinning the VFO hihi.
Try and get some kip while you's can.
From Martin M3POG in LiverpoOl.
Congratulations with the birth of your daughter.
All the best and best wishes.
73 de Hans PE1BVQ
Both Louise and our new Daughter are doing really well, we have had a good week and she is a very healthy happy baby.
She already enjoys looking at the radios illuminated. there is hope for a future foundation licence holder ;) 73 all
Simon and Family
Congratulations!! Been busy lately and haven't hit the blog for a couple of weeks, so I just learned of the great news today. Thrilled for the two of you, and wish you and your daughter all the best! How does Dudley like having a sister?
73, Ken N2OBY
All the best 73 Ken, great to hear from you!