ZL2WL - New Zealand

I continued the early breakfast DX by working into New Zealand. I tried my luck on my Carolina Windom this time and got my signal heard at 5/1 when I made QSO with Wayne - ZL2WL. Once again the good old 20m band performed its magic and another good DX QSO enters my log. 73


Paul Stam PAØK said…
Hi Simon, always good to be heard at the other end of the world. It's a kind of magic. 73 Paul
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Paul,
Tnx for the comment! Yes I still get very excited when I make it. I am glad the magic is getting stronger with regular good openings. 73 de Simon
VE9KK said…
Good evening Simon, yes the propagation god's are sure smiling about now and the conditions are great. I can't wait for the weekend when I can get some radio time in.
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Michael

Look forward to bumping into you sometime. In the meantime happy DX & best 73.

tnx for the comment

de Simon

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