Mexico On 10M FM

After work this evening I fired up my ham radio shack and started tuning up and down the bands.
I had heard recent reports that the 10m repeater KQ2H was coming in strong on a regular basis with lots of interesting stations working through it.

I tuned my FT1000 to 29.620MHz FM and sure enough I could hear the KQ2H repeater. KQ2H is located across the Atlantic near New York in the Catskill Mountains.

I heard lots of stations calling through to begin with, it was slightly chaotic at times but then I suddenly heard Jose - XE2YHR coming in well with a big signal.

After calling him three times Jose pulled me out of the crowd and we had a short QSO exchanging reports and location information.

It was very nice indeed getting into Mexico via a repeater in New York on 10 meters FM.
I'll be listening up on Ten FM over the weekend to see what activity might be found as well as enjoying time with the family.

73 all have a great weekend & happy DXing


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