Shack B

With the dark days of winter nearly over we decided to head up to our moor top retreat to check on how things have been holding up.We have been getting lots of gale force winds lately however my antennas were all where I left them and still in good shape.

 Our hill top holiday shack is now becoming very interesting to our 10 month old baby girl, she spent the afternoon exploring the long corridor.  I got some spare minutes when she had a short nap where I managed to set up some of my other radio equipment.

 I shuffled my rigs around to find a pleasing lay out and then connected them up to my antennas. Shack B is now up and running ready for our visits up there once the WX starts to change.

I plan to be experimenting with various kit and equipment in the future but for now Shack B consists of: YAESU FT-2600M - X200 Vertical & IO Beam
YAESU VR5000 - 10 EL 435 Yagi
YAESU FT-767GX - Hustler 6BTV & 20M Delta Loop
HAM INT Multimode II - 10M Vertical

Listen out for me working portable from Shack B from spring time onwards, until then I will be operating from my QTH and hope to catch some of you somewhere on the bands! 73


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