Day 3 February QSO Challenge

It was nice to leave work in the day light as Friday is a slightly earlier finish time. When I arrived home a checked the bands to see which were open where I heard stations on 10M, 12M, and 15M. Despite all of the interesting activity I was hearing, I thought I would have a listen down on 40m as well.

I tuned around and found a nice pile up on 7.170 MHz where I received a big signal coming out of Moscow.

R2DA - Valery was booming in to my Ft-1000 with a signal strength of S9+20 with very good audio.
I waited for the right gap to appear in the pile up and put one call out which was heard at R2DA - Valery's station at 16.28 utc.
My report back from Valery was 5/9 and I managed to find out that R2DA was running a 4 element yagi, 40m above the ground. It was doing a fine job for him, I was using my Carolina Windom antenna.

Total distance apart short path 1571 Miles.

This is fun! Day 3 challenge complete, See you tomorrow and have a nice weekend! 73


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