CobWebb 5 Band HF Antenna - Resurrected

The past week has been a very enjoyable holiday break away from work with lots of quality family time. As mentioned earlier in the week we have been enjoying ourselves up on the moor tops at the holiday home where I get to play with my other radio equipment whilst soaking in some r & r. During the middle of the week we headed off to the coast where my little girl got to take her first paddle in the Sea.

As well as playing with my daughter and YL, I got some spare time to resurrect my old CobWebb HF antenna. On Thursday afternoon I managed to install it at the bottom of our garden without getting too much ear ache from Louise (YL). The last time I tried using this antenna was back in 2005 when I was told to take it down, I have had it in storage ever since and have been itching to try it out again. 

I decided to use this CobWebb antenna with my FT-847 radio as my FT-1000 is already hooked up to my Carolina Windom and Hustler 6BTV. The plan is to play around and compare the 3 antenna's using the two radios operating from 20m through to 10m during the reception of stations from various locations. 

Over the past couple of days whilst testing I was surprised just how well the CobWebbs reception was with zero noise levels on all 5 bands allowing 0-Signal levels to be heard.

The CobbWebb is designed for operation on 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m & 20m bands.

Back in the shack, over the weekend I was active later on in the Evening time and managed a new DXCC in the log whilst using the CobWebb. The new DXCC was claimed when I worked JX9JKA from Jan Mayen. I also worked HK3JJH from Columbia on the same CobWebb antenna.
My favourite DX QSO's of the week were both worked on my Carolina Windom which were JY4CI - Jordan and VK7ZX - Tasmania both stations were worked on 15M. 

Conditions are good again tonight and as you can see my young apprentice is ready to help me work some more stations! 73 


Alex Hill said…
I too have a Cobwebb, although it is a home mde version and a 6BTV and whilst I have found the Cobwebb to be about an S point down on the vertical that S point is mostly noise. It still seems to radiate well.

Mine is in the loft as a winter antenna for when the wind gets too strong and the vertical comes down.

A great antenna and really versatile.

MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Alex tnx for the comment.

Good to hear that you have a similar set up! I agree they are a great back up antenna, loft mounted sounds like a good idea as I would not say they are the most attractive looking antennas :-)

Hope to catch you on the bands one day soon.

Unknown said…
Hi My Name Is Steven Kaplan My Call Is WB2HIZ I Am From West Palm Beach , FLORIDA
(USA) I Brought CobwebAntenna Five Band 10m 12m 15m 17m 20m I think that I got it when it first come out I brought it thought then I was then talk with the guy who told me he was the maker of the Antenna. this guy over the pound his name was Kirk
when hole set up the only thing it did not have was the Manual to put it together and I have the one with that Rated for 2000 watts PEP !!! and is Yellow and has those zig
zag Contactor the where read on the web to put those the pen marks on each X patter
if you can help here is I need copy of those the manual I can down load into a (PDF) so I and make the ends each of the bands together how dose tie together so make this
antenna work can you please me ( ASAP ) ASAP) I LIKE TO GET THIS WEEK IF I COULD
73's and good DXing to you as well ,
From Steven Kaplan WB2HIZ,
West Palm Beach, FLORIDA
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Steven thanks for the comment. Hope this is what you are looking for

G3TPW CobWebb Antenna for the 14, 18, 21, 24 and 28 MHz Bands

Regards and good luck. 73 Simon M0YKS

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