Last coffee of the day gets me into Bolivia

I fancied a last cup of of coffee before I went bed and as the kettle boiled I powered up my dining room mini station to see if anything was happening on the HF bands. My Yaesu FT-890 pictured below is one of my original spare transceivers that I have had since the beginning of my Ham intrests  and works great especially on receive hooked up to a full wave 20m delta loop.

This evening/morning at around midnight the coffee was smelling good when I tuned my FT-890 onto 14.209.5 MHz where I heard CP6XE coming in loud and clear from Bolivia.

Normally I would have rushed to the main shack station which is my FT-1000MK V but the signal was so clear peaking at 5/9 I decided to call Miguel - CP6XE on the dining room listening station my little FT-890. To my pleasure the home brew delta loop and 100 watts of old school FT-890 did the trick and I made the contact into Bolivia with a 5/3 signal!

A great way to end the evening, the only snag is I am feeling thirsty again and fancy another cup of coffee..  Listen out for me operating M0YKS, I am on holiday away from college for Easter (two weeks) and will be active mainly on HF and some satellite & 2 meter simplex from the shack and mobile in between the family activities. Maybe also active from the room where the kettle and FT-890 are!

73. Good DXing! M0YKS - Simon


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