It's 8 years since I constructed the IO - 10 El Sat antenna that is still holding up well in the moor top winds and winters. It just goes to show how well homebrew projects can work as well as the comercial ones that cost an arm and a leg.
I have been working a few lighthouse stations that are currently on the air and managed to catch a couple of nice DX station last night from the cabin.
I also had some good contacts on VHF using my old YAESU FT-2600m where I made contact with a special event station, a new operator practising from a radio club as well as some local stations that I haven't made a qso with for a couple of years. The WX up here on Baildon Moor is sunny with showers and plenty of wind as our summer holidays continue for another week or so.

I will be active as MW0YKS mobile from the beach next week. 73


CT3FM said…
Setup with excellent behavior over the last 8 years.
Well done
You're missing out on my log.
73 de Miguel - CT3FM
Hans said…
Hi Simon,
That's a nice picture of your IO satellite antenna.
But it is a pitty that we don't hear you on the sats anymore.
I hope to CU on one of the sats soon hi.
Nice and Sunny weekend!
73 de Hans, PE1BVQ.
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi guys good to see your comments and I guess it could be time to check out my FT-847 and see which birds are operational. Listen out you might have a surprise. Many thanks for your comments 73. De Simon M0YKS

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