F23 Antenna Report
It's over a week since I installed the Diamond F23 mono band vertical antenna and so far I am very impressed. The 15 foot 3 section antennas awesome gain has made a huge difference in both TX & RX. I have been working with the Yaesu FT-100 field commander and 50 watts which has been really successful as I have worked across some long distances down South and also to the East of around 100 miles. My YL M3TLL Louise has noticed the FT-100 has been squawking away as she said she keeps hearing plenty of hams interrupting her TV watching h.i
The 2 meter band is much more interesting than before with the new 5/8 over 5/8 over 5/8 of vertically polarised signals bouncing into the F 23 mono bander.
I will be playing around with the FT-100 and F 23 over the coming weeks, business as usual on HF from the shack, cabin and mobile. 73 for now.