Still Active and Operating Ham Radio


Its been an awful long time since I posted here on my old blog! Well I am still in good health and of course still playing lots of Ham radio when I have spare time.
The past month or so has been crazy at work so my live streams on YouTube has suffered and I have not been as active on camera as usual. I have of course still been here in the shack just slightly with more of a lower profile whilst hunting for the precious DX. 

The station at M0YKS is still working exceptionally well, all antennas are holding up well so far and I have a nice new three section ladder to help maintain and keep them that way. 

I also have a second valve amplifier which runs the same Russian military tank GI7BT Ceramic valves. This one is currently in use and is in a nice shiny Ameritron casing. My original GI7BT amplifier is now rebuilt with new valves and a few other bits and pieces. I had converted the Valve mounting setup after advise from a local amp guy but found it not suitable to operate that way so I ended up recently rebuilding the amp back to the original specs. Its now safely stored away as a back up secondary amplifier. 

Right now I am about to call into the 40m RSGB post News net read by Geoff GM8OFQ and send a signal report of 5/9 +40 to the Island of Hoy, part of Orkney Islands above Scotland! I always try my best to listen in on a Sunday morning to find out what we have to look out for over the coming week. From the sounds of it, we can expect more openings on the higher HF bands, some Aurora and possibly meteor scatter on VHF as well as EME. 

Catch up again with all of you soon, stay healthy and thanks for passing by one of the U.K longest and oldest running original Ham radio blog. 73 de M0YKS Simon and Hamily!


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