Cycled Out?

Well I don't know about you but here in Bradford the band conditions on an evening have been absolutely terrible with high QRN levels and little activity. 

I have made the odd DX contact on 40m but overall the shack has had a lot of noisy AF and very little RF generated  I'm looking forward to getting on during the daytime over the weekend, so let's hope that the solar cycle starts peddling again and gets a bit of speed up offering some decent band conditions.

My Ameritron amplifier with its GI7BT valves has helped me have some fun thankfully. The current band conditions certainly favour QRO operation but even with 400w it's been quite tough to fill my log the way I like to  Not to worry I am sure it will not be long before I am back up on 20m Late night DXing. In the meantime I'm battling it out QRV on 80m and 40m with a terrible high noise level. Boo 👎 

Catch you again soon. Keep a watch for Aurora and vhf band openings as this week's forecast looks interesting. The information is supplied from William Hepburn's DX Info centre.
Best 73. 


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