Today's Space View Weather from Weather Satellites NOAA 18 and 19

 My ground station was working well at my location here in Yorkshire earlier today, the NOAA weather  Satellites were coming in well on 137 MHz as NA-18 and NA-19  passed by 

 NOAA 18 Pass

NOAA 19 second Pass 

The full reception and decode can be seen here below in the video I made. I use WXtoIMG as previously mentioned . This software will auto track weather satellites and decode weather images from a simple 137 MHz FM receiver set up using a laptop/PC with the receiver audio fed into the line or mic in.

 Here in my ham radio shack I use additional tracking software to control my antenna and radio which is not necessary if you wish to receive weather images. In the past I have tried many setups which were very basic and they all worked. These days I am lucky as my station is well established and performs automatically without requiring any manual assistance. More time for me to drink a coffee and enjoy the image of the day! 73 have fun.. 


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