Sporadic E's SIX Meter Band DXing With The FTDX101MP

After owning the YAESU FTDX101MP for just over18 months it was a real treat to finally get a chance to try it out on the magic band SIX Meters.

Pretty cool results to say I used my Hustler Vertical which is not ideal.   


PE4BAS, Bas said…
Very nice Simon. I'm a 6m band addict. But mainly on digimodes, that's were the DX is. Worked all over south America last evening. Did hear some SSB but no DX. Antenna here is a 10 el YU7EF duoband, 5 el on 6 and 5 el on 4. 73, Bas
MØYKS Simon said…
Hi Bas. Good to hear you love six meters. I was down on 15 just before and worked China Indonesia, Cypress and USA all on SSB phone. Enjoy the DX hope to hear you soon. 73 thank you

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