Still here and Active as always.

It's been a interesting year so far With the ever changing band conditions. The solar cycle 25 continues and certainly is far from over. I would expect a couple of years at least yet before I need to get out the amplifier again. I have a bit of a fault to fix so maybe it's about time I get on with it, I might have it done for cycle 26. 😜
The last week has been quite a mixed bag on the radio as I have heard DX and into G, both short and long skip signals on quite a few of the HF bands including 10m. As for the 6 meter band the recent opening I caught on video was a one off and I have not seen any more activity around the SSB phone band since.
I have been off work on half term spending time out with the family getting out and about so not quite as active as usual but still catching some decent QSO where I can from some nice locations here in Yorkshire. 
The Satellite chasing has taken a back seat recently as my neighbors are carrying out roof work and currently have scaffolding up which is fairly close to the SAT array. I can still turn and elevate but the passes can wait for the clear unobstructed days which hopefully won't be too far away.
Me above still waiting for the neighbors to complete the work on their roof top. 
I should be back with you soon once I have revitalized and recharged the enthusiasm for plenty of QSO. I am playing on 40m again and also 80m on a evening later on once everyone is settled, so if you hear my signal with Yorkshire lingo coming in, give me a shout I would love to have a QSO. 
In the meantime enjoy your week and thanks for watching my videos, following this blog or hopefully even better making a QSO. Catch up with you soon 73 

Btw I finally got around to updating the firmware to the latest version on my FTDX101mp. I used an old scandisc 16gig phone memory card with a card adapter into my PC. The download and upgrade is simple enough to do and went as planned. I haven't noticed anything new as such but all is well with the radio which is totally up to date and still very cool indeed. I still love it!


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