UK Gets Wintery - Time To Get On Ham Radio

It's been a while since we experienced heavy snow and Ice but this week we had it all. 
lucky we have a old RAV 4x4 which I run daily so getting about is no big deal. Reports on the news mentioned power outages in some locations that are out in the more remote parts of Yorkshire. Having a HAM Radio Setup can be very useful especially /mobile independent of household electricity. Thankfully things currently aren't that bad but our local farmers are having it tough finding sheep and other animals that are stuck up on the tops in deep snow drifts. 
In the meantime back indoors in the warm earlier just before sunset I got on the HF band and noticed that all the bands were in great shape. I heard a station on 12 meters with a nice signal which turned out to be one of my old ham friends Les W8YCM who was currently operating from Jamaica as 6Y/W8YCM. Les used to live local here in Yorkshire and we had many qso previously on 2m SSB. I was surprised and happy to exchange a lengthy qso into Negril Jamaica with an old friend who was coming in well 5/5 to 5/7 signal strength. I had not recognized Les when I called him at first. 
I made another nice qso up into North America also on 12m with another nice long rag chew and 5/7 signal exchange. I got lucky with a brand new call in my log - Bob KD4LT. 
Afterwards I headed up to 10m where signals were and still are coming in strong and it's an hour after sunset. I best hit the PTT and catch me another new one, Bruce WD4NGB who's still 5/9+ on 28.485..... Bingo! I'm straight in! 73 enjoy your weekend stay warm. Good DX


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