Chinese Porn!!!!!

Just a quick post to inform any readers regarding the abundance of Chinese comments that have been appearing here at my Ham Radio blog. They seem to be just another source of spamming in the form of porn enthusiasts rather than radio ops/ engineering fans.

Although I am quite open minded and allow all comments good or bad to be seen on my site I've decided to enable the feature that asks to Show word verification when commenting. This should filter out the Chinese Pornsters unless of course they are truly passionate about Ham Radio.

For all those interested in Chinese porn, see the previous comments. For those who like myself will get battered by there YL's for going anywhere remotely near those dubious dodgy sites, I apologise for any unsuitable links they may have attached with the seemingly harmless if not slightly puzzling comments left by my new Chinese followers?

Have a great weekend, hope to catch some of you on the bands!


Unknown said…
Those links could provide a useful source of material for the SSTV enthusiasts! :)
MØYKS Simon said…
lol, yes I have seen some suspicious pictures around about 14.230. definately a good idea for the more "live dangerous" type of sender. It might look good with Robot 36, Martin 1 or evan Scottie DX!
Jspiker said…
Been having the same problem here with the "porn" links thrown in with comments about radio ....they must not have respect for the female gender.

BTW/ Nice bikes... I'm probably a little too old for those now but still dream of taking one last long ride in the country. For now, I'm on the mountain bike circuits. It's difficult to find level rides here in West Virginia. Lot's and lot's of mountains here.

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